How to Keep Your Motorcycle Secure and Safe?
Because of the portability of a motorcycle, stealing one is much simpler than stealing vans, car, and some heavy vehicles. It is no surprise that motorcycle theft is always increasing since other criminals want to do it for joyriding, for fun, or to break down the parts and sell them. Unfortunately, other riders are disadvantaged regarding the situation since they do not have the exact info about how to keep their motorcycle secure and safe. This is why security professionals at Locksmith El Paso gathered some practical tips in this article to assist new, prospective, and even experienced riders from being one of the victims.

Utilize a complicated security system
Disk locks are popular, and the majority of the riders like to use it compared to more secured and contemporary locks. Also, the thieves have become classier compared to most disc lock systems. Thus, they can easily open it. If ever opening the lock of the disc is challenging for them, they could easily lift the motorcycle into a truck, and it is already gone. It is recommended that the riders should utilize complex security systems on their motorcycles, which is the combination of an efficient alarm system and disc locks with chain locks.
Be careful as you park your bike
Each rider, who is serious about making sure that his/her bike is safe, must be extremely picky and careful while parking the bike. Opportunists and thieves are always on a lookout for motorcycles, especially at hidden places. This way, they could steal one without being caught or without drawing attention. You should park your motorcycle in a place that’s busy and hectic with activities. Moreover, it is suggested that you park your bikes in places that are well-lit and with CCTV cameras.
Install GPS with disposable batteries
Consider getting the many benefits that GPS style tracking units can provide, which are accessible in the market, to make your bike highly recoverable and secured. Some technologies that would assist you to make your motorcycle more secure are the electronic transponder tags and immobilizer, which has ignition disabler that could be monitored 24/7.
Take your bike’s security to the next level
For you to make your motorcycle less susceptible to the thieves, you can utilize the Smartwater tagging system and some technologies. Smartwater tagging could easily trace and recover your bike since it utilizes a unique code that’s only made for your motorcycle alone and a clear liquid solution. This liquid solution dries quickly and could be tracked with ultraviolet light.
Finally, always guarantee that you’ve parked your bike on your garage once you get home. You could also utilize ground anchors or floor to make it almost impossible for thieves to get your bike when nobody’s home.
Call Locksmith El Paso now if you would like to upgrade your bike’s locks or you are considering to install a complex security system on your motorcycle. You will be shocked once you experience how affordable and fast our services could be.
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